Our Christmas as a Family of Four!

It was crazy trying to get ready for the holidays, but we had a wonderful Christmas this year! Both of our children were very spoiled, as usual! On Friday, December 21st, Dina's best friend and her family came over to pizza and had a gift exchange for all the kids. The following Sunday (the 23rd) was spent with Dina's maternal side of the family. We hosted the get together at our house in the afternoon (so nap time would not be interrupted) and had a blast opening presents together! Christmas Eve, however, was spent quietly at home. This gave Dina more time for her finish her fabulous Rocky Road bars and Rice Krispy treats. After the kids went to bed, Dina's uncle came over. We woke up little David since this was the first time he had met our son. On Christmas morning, Santa came and we opened presents (see picture above). After getting ready and David having his morning nap, we headed to Discovery Bay to Jeff's parents house to celebrate there. Jeff's brother, Joey, is home on leave before heading to Alaska after the new year, so this was especially important. It was back to reality for Jeff on Wednesday the 26th, but after work, Jeff met us in Turlock at Dina's dad and step mom's house for even MORE presents! Jolene's family (minus her mother-the first Christmas without her) was all in town! It took a VERY long time to open gifts and dinner was served for 17 people total that evening! Gotta hand it to Mr. and Mrs. Rabara for hosting such a feast! What a week, huh?! It was busy, but at least it wasn't crammed in two days. There are still more people to get together with that have presents for our children!!!! There are just too many pictures to even post from all our holiday get togethers! (Maybe I should just create a slide show!)

On a more somber note, today is the 2nd anniversary of Dina's cousin's passing. The family gathered at St. Mary's church in Stockton for Mass at noon. The priest was supposed to mention Kayla's name in the prayers, but somehow forgot. It upset Uncle Ken a bit. This is always a difficult time for everyone in the family. We want to continue to keep her memory alive! Afterwards, we had lunch at Applebee's and got to spend more time together. Each anniversary and birthday memorial seems to get a little easier, but we will never forget our beloved Kayla Marie!


Unknown said…
So happy to hear you all had a very Merry Christmas. Happy 2008 from our family to yours.

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