
Yes, I know!  It's literally been 3 years since I've last blogged.  I've been a little busy working full time and working on my master's degree.  It's way too complicated to write at the moment, but most of you pretty much know what's going on. 

Well, since I'm back, I thought I'd share something about the kids (as I usually do).  We just celebrated David's 3rd Adoption Day anniversary on Thursday.  It was interesting that as we reflected on this special occasion that Katarina this week brought up our family situation a few times this week.  It all started with "Mommy, you're the best Mommy I ever had!" when I said goodnight to her one evening.  She's known for a long time she didn't come from Mommy's tummy.  Katarina asked me when she was 3 years old why brother was blue eyed and she ended up being brown eyed.  Of course, I answered with, "God made you both that way."  Then, when she saw others with "bellies" (i.e. preggers), she would ask if that I had a tummy like that with her.  I explained at the time Mommy couldn't have a baby in her tummy and another woman carried her in her tummy.  She wanted to know who the woman was but I avoided that situation (judge however you want about that part) but she pretty much left it alone.  Fast forward to the past week again.  Katarina must have had a talk about their families in her class at school because on our way home from picking her up, she asked again about her growing in another woman's tummy.  I restated the whole situation about Mommy's medical condition that didn't allow her to have a baby herself.  Then she asked how she came to be our daughter.  I told her about Mommy and Daddy going to the adoption agency.  I spared her the details (she's not even 6) of the lovely paperwork, background checks, home studies and classes we went through before finally being put on a waiting list.  I told her that they found her for us because the woman who gave birth to her couldn't take care of her.  The funny response from Katarina was, "So, you paid money and then brought me home."  I couldn't help but laugh, it was so cute!  I did make sure she understand we didn't buy her and that the adoption agency chose her for us and felt that we would be a good Mommy and Daddy for her.  What she said next really warmed my heart.  She told me, "I'm so glad you're my mommy."  If I wasn't driving or looking into her eyes, I would have broken down in tears.  I don't think our children will ever understand how truly loved they are.  Jeff and I have been told how lucky the kids are to have us, but I really think it's us as the parents who are extremely blessed to have such wonderful children.  I pray that they understand someday to some degree how much they were and still are wanted and how grateful we are to raise them. 

There have been a few couples that we've helped explain our story and helped them make the decision to go the adoption route.  I will admit it's not for everyone, but my faith helps me believe that this was the direction we were meant to travel.  :)

With Much Love,


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