Our family is now complete!

Well, it's official! David's adoption was finalized by a judge on Monday, August 18, 2008! We were very happy how quickly this all came about. It was certainly overwhelming, with both Dina and Jeff starting new jobs. But, it was joyous occassion we were happy to share with immediate family. David was just so cute in his little outfit walking around the courthouse! Katarina was extremely well behaved even though it wasn't her day. :)
Jeff started his new job with a lumber company in Livermore as an operations manager. It is a bit overwhelming learning everything and with there being so much responsibility. His shift will be later in the day, so he has been taking the kids to daycare in the morning so Dina can get to work early and then Dina picks them up after school and takes care of dinner and bath time. So far, it's worked out as far as that goes, but that still doesn't leave much Mommy & Daddy time. Dina started up her school year with her new class of 5th graders on August 13th. It is going to be a lot of work, but so far she likes her class and is enjoying getting back into teaching. There is a lot of new programs and even more requirements in the district since she had left two years ago.
The kids are enjoying daycare. Katarina says she likes her friends and always asks to go over there. However, the first week was difficult during nap times. They just weren't used to sleeping somewhere else. So, of course, by the time they got home, the crankiness kicked in. At least they were good for the daycare lady! Ha ha! But, they're getting used to the new routine. Slowly but surely things will calm down (yeah right)!
That's a quick update for now...more to come later! :)


Unknown said…
I am so happy for your family. How fortunate you all are to have each other! Congratulations to Jeff on his new job. Take care. Love to you all!

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