Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mommy couldn't resist this cute shirt from Old Navy David is wearing. He is part Irish, so it is completely appropriate (and adorable)! Dina was busy in the kitchen making corned beef for dinner, which is Jeff's favorite! If he could eat that every day, he would! Yet, the only one in the Graves house was not wearing green was Jeffrey!

David is getting more mobile every day and finally started crawling on his hands and knees. He also enjoys pulling himself up to furniture/activity tables on his knees, but is still working on getting up on his feet. David really has come a long way since we first met him!

Katarina is still just as active as ever! The weather over the weekend wasn't the best for playing outside. Today we were able to enjoy a little bit of time in the backyard. We are just amazed how fast time flies with her already! Katarina is exactly 30 months old (2 1/2 years old) today!


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