Welcome Home Party for David

Well, it has been awhile since a posting has been done about our family. Sunday was David's Welcome Home party. We had a full house since it was so cold outside we couldn't use the backyard. David was spoiled with many cute clothes and toys. Many brought presents even for Katarina so she wouldn't feel left out (which is appreciated, but not necessary). There was a lot of food to go around and we have leftovers galore! It was a wonderful day that introduced our son to the everyone! After everyone left, it was time to clean up. Thankfully there was a lot done by the extended family before they started leaving, so it really wasn't too bad. Dina did 3 loads of laundry after the party just from the new clothes the kids received! LOL! Getting toys out of the new packaging with the twist ties are a PAIN!!!
On another note, this morning Dina took the kids downstairs to feed them breakfast. After David ate, Dina changed him out of his pajamas into a new outfit. He was really upset for some reason and said, "mama" (which we have been working on for awhile now). Dina tried to get him to say it again, but then he started saying "dada" for the first time too! There was an argument going back and forth between mother and son! It was hilarious, to say the least! David has also been waving "bye bye" but we're not sure if he understands that. Well, what does this child do this morning? He waves AND says, "bye bye." It is just amazing how much he has progressed since we first met the little guy! He could hardly hold his head up and he really seemed lethargic. Now he rolls around all across the floor (he'll be crawling any day now), plays with his toys and giggles over the cutest things! It's amazing how resilient these kids are that come from a background that is not ideal!


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